Timestamp your digital documents and transactions

Is it crucial in your area of business to know with precision when a certain document was created or a specific transaction took place?

Our qualified timestamping service helps you provide irrefutable proof of date and time in case of dispute or legal litigation.

Timestamping assets

Trusted qualified timestamp

Manage your legal liability

Our Trusted Timestamping Software as a Service enables you to collect trustworthy legal evidence by automatically binding your specific digital assets or transactions to a particular point in time.

Our service works only with certified independent date and time sources, which eliminate the tampering risks associated with using a local clock system or back-dating.

Qualified timestamping service - SaaS

Trust powered by simplicity

Our Timestamping service helps you maintain trust in your digital documents and assets in the long run.

Horodatage qualifié eIDAS

eIDAS qualified timestamp

Checks all the legal requirements as set out in eIDAS. Compliant with IETF RFC 3161 protocol and ETSI (TS 102 023) standards.

Extended validity period

Extended validity period

Get rid of the constant stress of validity renewal or extension! Our qualified timestamps are valid for minimum 10 years.

Mode SaaS

Delivered as SaaS

Easy to integrate in to your IT legacy system. LuxTrust takes care of all maintenance, security and audits associated with this delivery mode.

Get to know us better
Why working with us?
  1. We are recognised as leading European Qualified Trust Service Provider (QTSP) on the EU Trusted List and a Trusted Timestamp Authority (TSA), certified to provide qualified timestamps.
  2. We are a robust firm with over 15 years of experience in delivering a wide variety of eIDAS trust solutions (electronic signatures and seals, electronic signature validation and long-term preservations) for which timestamping is also indispensable.
  3. We assist you during every stage of the implementation journey, providing 24/7 service & support in 8 languages.
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image token
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